Rules of Play
- Kayla will open her arms and ask, "Hugs?"
- That is your cue to open your arms and ask back, "Hugs?"
- She will answer, "No." and put her arms down. If she says no, you must put your arms down and say, "Aww." Repeat steps 1 - 3. Each iteration is a round.
- After 3 or 4 rounds, when you ask for hugs, she will answer, "GEEE!" and run to you and give you a great big hug.
Game over. Everyone wins.
- Kayla prefers to initiate the game. If you initiate, she will punish you by putting you through 8 or more rounds of No Hugs.
- Hugs/No Hugs is a contact sport. While there is no officially sanctioned protective gear, it is recommended that you brace for impact when hugs are forthcoming. Hugs always follow the warning call of "GEEE!"
- (and this is my favorite part) The game ALWAYS ends with hugs.