Friday, October 3, 2008

Baby T-Shirt Hell

I haven't visited this site in years. Do not click if you have no sense of humor, are easily offended, etc. etc.

But for the record, no, I would not put any of these on my child.

I hate it when I see babies wearing clothes that say things like, "Spoiled Brat" or anything similar. First of all, it's only funny to be ironic or sarcastic with someone who understands irony and sarcasm. If they don't, it's just being mean.

Second, even though babies don't have any idea what their shirt says, it basically advertises a certain false persona and affects how other people will look at/treat your baby. "Oh, you're a troublemaker, aren't you!" Blech.


Though I must admit, "Fuck the milk, where are the whiskey tits?" is QUITE funny.

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