Monday, December 1, 2008

And how was your Thanksgiving weekend?

I have a separate mini-freezer where we keep all the extra milk that I pump to feed Kayla while I'm at work. It took me months to build up the supply, and we had enough in there to feed her for about a week if I wasn't able to for any reason. On Tuesday, Hubby must have not closed the door all the way when he got some out for her while I was at work, because on Wednesday when I went to put some away, the door was open a crack and all the milk was thawed or mostly thawed. You can't refreeze it once it's thawed, so we lost all of it.

I have been a cow all weekend trying to build the supply back up, but I had a nice balance going before & I'm basically forcing myself into over-production to try to build up enough to make sure she can eat the next time I'm away for 12 hours.

I hate modern life. This would be so much easier if I lived in a hut and could just carry her around with me all day while I gather berries.

1 comment:

JDawg said...

Yes, you're right. Life would be so much easier if you lived in a hut. And had to gather berries. Would you use your IPhone's map function to find the closest berry picking facility and look up pictures of weird looking diaper rash while you're on the bus heading there?